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Fund Prices2024-04-22

G $18.20 0.04% 1.31%
F $18.65 0.05% -2.97%
C $78.45 0.87% 5.49%
S $76.84 1.01% -0.33%
I $41.04 1.23% 2.13%
L2065 $15.65 1.01% 3.49%
L2060 $15.65 1.01% 3.49%
L2055 $15.65 1.01% 3.50%
L2050 $31.47 0.84% 2.83%
L2045 $14.37 0.79% 2.72%
L2040 $52.55 0.74% 2.64%
L2035 $13.90 0.68% 2.53%
L2030 $46.34 0.62% 2.44%
L2025 $12.95 0.36% 1.91%
Linc $25.32 0.29% 1.67%

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Under development. For now, you may view Pending Allocations by going to "fantasy TSP" and selecting "Leaderboard sort" of "Pending Allocations".