Missed IFT Policy

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Missed IFT Policy

Post by mjedlin66 »

This hasn't been a significant problem, but I want this to be spelled out clearly just in case:

I will not fix IFTs due to user error. This is mostly in the interest of fairness. The FantasyTSP game could be skewed if people were allowed to backdate IFTs. In addition, for me to fix IFTs manually in the database takes about 5 minutes per transaction and requires me to double and triple-check the details. If I were fixing several per day, it would eat into my development time, and introduce errors.

These are the only conditions under which I will fix IFTs:
1) There was something wrong with the website which was not allowing you to access or submit IFTs.
2) There was a glitch in the website which deleted pending IFTs.

When these issues happen, I acknowledge them and open a thread asking people to manually post their IFTs for me to correct. As I continue development, these issues should be far less frequent, and eventually, should not happen at all.

TSPcenter allows you to submit IFTs for same-day execution up until 12:15 eastern time. The official TSP website cutoff is of course 12:00 eastern time.
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G $18.26 0.01% 1.63%
F $18.97 -0.24% -1.31%
C $83.13 0.12% 11.79%
S $81.54 0.08% 5.77%
I $43.48 0.27% 8.20%
L2065 $16.57 0.16% 9.63%
L2060 $16.58 0.16% 9.64%
L2055 $16.58 0.16% 9.64%
L2050 $33.06 0.12% 8.01%
L2045 $15.05 0.11% 7.61%
L2040 $54.90 0.11% 7.22%
L2035 $14.47 0.10% 6.77%
L2030 $48.10 0.09% 6.33%
L2025 $13.24 0.05% 4.19%
Linc $25.79 0.04% 3.54%

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