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Total posts 95626 • Total topics 18736 • Total members 20868 • Our newest member Caulkinst

Fund Prices2024-11-01

G $18.62 0.01% 3.66%
F $19.51 -0.45% 1.47%
C $90.30 0.41% 21.43%
S $86.96 0.40% 12.80%
I $43.32 0.45% 7.80%
L2070 $10.33 0.42% 3.29%
L2065 $17.43 0.42% 15.29%
L2060 $17.43 0.42% 15.30%
L2055 $17.43 0.42% 15.30%
L2050 $34.62 0.31% 13.12%
L2045 $15.74 0.29% 12.53%
L2040 $57.33 0.27% 11.97%
L2035 $15.09 0.25% 11.30%
L2030 $50.05 0.23% 10.64%
L2025 $13.66 0.11% 7.48%
Linc $26.54 0.09% 6.58%

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