1% daily loss in I fund missing as is ½ of the F fund gain

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Dr Pain
Posts: 129
Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:19 pm

1% daily loss in I fund missing as is ½ of the F fund gain

Post by Dr Pain »

I have got to ask what is going on with the TSP. Today is a prime example of something being up.

The MSCI is down today -1.03% but the I fund is down only .09272%. This is almost a full 1% difference.

The AGG is up today .48% while the F fund is up only .247% where is the other .237% of our gain?

There is something seriously screwy going on there.


Ole Rebel
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:22 pm

Funds off mraket showing

Post by Ole Rebel »

Ever since the TSP New Orleans operation shut down after the hurricane several years ago, the daily results seem to be on their own not really tied to the market. I personally think the contract operator is running behind and is not able to post accurate daily results so the daily posting have less revelance than they did before the current contract operation took effect. Worried?? YES!!

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Fund Prices2024-04-26

G $18.21 0.01% 1.36%
F $18.63 0.27% -3.10%
C $79.85 1.02% 7.38%
S $78.29 0.78% 1.55%
I $41.48 0.50% 3.22%
L2065 $15.89 0.80% 5.08%
L2060 $15.89 0.80% 5.08%
L2055 $15.89 0.80% 5.08%
L2050 $31.87 0.68% 4.13%
L2045 $14.54 0.64% 3.94%
L2040 $53.14 0.60% 3.78%
L2035 $14.04 0.55% 3.58%
L2030 $46.78 0.50% 3.41%
L2025 $13.02 0.29% 2.45%
Linc $25.43 0.23% 2.10%

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